Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Extreme "Forclosure" Makeover

What a terrible situation. I don't know the details of it all, but it's a dang shame that so much time and effort is given by so many to have it all go to crap due to some mishandling of finances or "poor business decisions".
Extreme Makover: Home Edition is one of my favorite shows! It will reduce me to tears instantly and I'm okay with it. I love the fact that there are folks out there volunteering to do something in their community to better the area, a family in need or just to feel accomplished! Volunteering is something I do a great deal of and I am rewarded everyday for it. It makes me feel wonderful to donate time, effort, energy, manpower or even dollars to help a worthy cause.
I only hope that their efforts are not looked at as less meaningful due to the choices (right or wrong) made by those that were the beneficiaries of the kindness.

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