Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Change... should be self-starting.
We are all aware that it happens whether you like it or not. We are all aware that you better expect it. Everything changes. You best prepare yourself. However, I'm a believer that you should be the one to set the wheels in motion for change. Perhaps it's my desire to retain some control in situations. Or maybe it's the thinking that you should always be of a proactive mind. Either way, I think it just feels better if you're the one making the decision to get the (change) ball rolling.
I'm on several committees within my community. American Cancer Society's Relay for Life Committee, Business Expo (Chamber of Commerce affiliated), Salute to Industry (also Chamber affiliated), CCAF and Junior League is coming up. I was making mention just the other day that something was going to have to give because I was feeling stretched pretty thin. I'm beginning to feel like a professional committee member. Honestly, it's something I enjoy. I get to participate in several different events and showcase my talents in organization and communication. I'm not too shabby at planning either! Nevertheless, it can become overwhelming if you don't keep a watch on it.
Well, before I even had a chance to make the change and forego my seat on one or more of the committees, the decision was made for me. My boss feels that it no longer behooves me or the company to serve on several of these committees because my "job" has changed and my focus has shifted. I'm not saying I don't agree with that angle...just that I'm disappointed that I wasn't quick enough to the draw. I strive to stay a step ahead...of just about everything! I fell short in this instance.
Oh well...time to regroup! Get back in the game, so to speak and kick tail with my new responsibilities. It might be nice to relenquish some of the current ones for something fresh and new. Time for me to go make a difference somewhere least that's what I'm going to tell myself.
Anyone else feel this way?


Anonymous said...

The biggest challenge in life for me is identifying when I'm overwhelemed and taking on too much. I don't ever want to admit that I can't handle something. However, I've learned that I can't be involved in everything and still be the best at it all. It was a hard realization, but one that I've had to accept. Unfortunately, as in your case, I didn't figure it out on my own but rather was forced to see it.

Jenn said...

I'm just more upset that I didn't get to the decision first...even though I thought of it first. You know? That's what I get for dragging my feet, I suppose!

Jessica said...

Jenn, one thing I am learning (the hard way) is that change is certain in life. Just when we get comfartable BOOM change...kinda leaves your head spinning huh? Especially since I am the kind of person who wants total control of everything and when a decision is made for me before I get to make it (even if it is exactly the decision I would have made) it really gets to me. I guess you can look at the positive in that it gives you more time with your family and not spread yourself so thin ;)

Jenn said...

Jess - you're absolutely right! I am slowly learning to let go....slowly.

Anonymous said...

Jenn, businesses today are all about the bottom $$$$. No matter how compassionate you are and how good you might be in your position, money talks.......... B.S. walks. Hang in there !!!

Anonymous said...

A favorite saying of mine is..."Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." That is French for "The more things change the more they stay the same". I have found that to be one of life's great truths! You never know what's around the corner.

Jenn said...

Hey anonymouses...thanks for the encouraging words!