Monday, January 14, 2008

Some Days Just Suck!

Ever had a bad day? Don't you hate it when things just don't go your way? Being the type person that enjoys things having order to them, I can't stand it when my routine is jacked up. My husband is currently enrolled at the local university. Each semester brings change on my part. I, being the 'parent primarily responsible for the shuffling of the children', often have a good bit of adjusting each go-around. It usually goes pretty seamlessly - due in-large part to my extraordinary organization skills - usually. Tonight was different. Monday night brings class, so I have to get back in the routine of picking up both children after work (They're at different locations on opposite sides of town.) I'm rarely one to ask for help, so this adds a degree of difficulty. This particular afternoon found me with little gas left. I left destination #1 (picking up Hallie) and headed for the fillin' station. Put my gift card in the pump and discovered I can't pay with a gift card at the pump. You gotta go inside. Well, that ain't workin' so I opted to chance it! Bad idea. I was coasting down the main road toward Hayden with only 12 minutes to get there. It was fine. I was going to make it. (BTW - I should mention, it's bad to be late to his school for pick up. Very bad.) All of a sudden, I felt that feeling in the gas know the one. You're pressing the pedal, but nothing is happening. Sigh...I ran out. But, how lucky was I that I was only about 300 feet from the only station on this road? Very! I coasted...literally-stiff steering wheel and all...into the station that has only two pumps. Another nod to the Gods for making the pump I needed available. The stars were aligning. I had 1o minutes to get to him. I tried calling my husband. I tried my mother -in-law. I tried the school to let them know what happened. I just needed someone at the school by 5:30. My luck ran out at the station, apparently. I coudn't get anyone. I was approx. 8 minutes late. Now, I owe extra money for detaining the teachers at the school. They were less than pleasant with me. On one hand, I can't say I blame them. I know they have families to get to and I understand. But, I'm pretty sure I'll be finding other arrangements soon. Nevertheless, we made it home. We had McDonald's because that always makes us feel better. We survived. I've had worse days, that's for sure.


martinstone said...

next time, no matter what meetings there are, we will get gas at lunch! I'd rather miss, or be late for a stupid production meeting than you run out of gas or be late picking up your babies! I worry about you driving that much, that far anyway, and coasting in... BTW, you can always call ME!

Jenn said...

I know...I should have driven at lunch and I wouldn't have had to worry with it!

Anonymous said...

I wise sage once told me “QUIT YOUR BELLYACHIN”! Wise words!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.